The Church of Jesus Christ is,
first and foremost,
a People.
As followers of Jesus,
There is a rhythm to our life of
Gathering to worship, and
Going out to serve.
In joy and thanksgiving, we dedicate ourselves to
the service of God, using our time, our talents, and our treasures,
to be ambassadors for Christ,
reaching out to those in need with the good news of the Gospel.
Together we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.
The Body Within the Building
Elders serve 2-year terms on the Session, Leadership Council, and the governing board of the church. Deacons serve 2-year terms on the Board of Deacons, whose ministry is one of care and compassion, sympathy and witness. Leaders are members elected by the congregation.
Women, men and youth are invited to serve as ushers during worship, greeting others and collecting the offering.
Nothing is more rewarding than the ministry of teaching in the church. We have at least two teachers for every class of children.
There is no shortage of ways you can volunteer in the church building, making it a more welcoming, peaceful, space for both children and adults.
The Body Without the Building
We have a rich history of being involved in both local and international mission activity. Locally, we initiated Alcoholics Anonymous, Meals on Wheels, Goodwill Industries, Mid-City Nutrition (soup kitchen), and Habitat for Humanity. Internationally, we have given personal and physical support to missions in the Philippines, Haiti, Costa Rica, and Mexico. But mission and service to Christ is always before us here in the Blue Water Area, and we take joy in being “missionaries” in our own neighborhoods.
Habitat for Humanity
All kinds of volunteers are needed to fulfill the mission of providing homes for God’s people in need.
Mid-City Nutrition
Crews from FPC serve multiple times every month.
Youth Mission Trip
The annual youth mission trip is a unique adventure for our high school students, and there is room for adult sponsors to go, too.
Adult Mission Trip
Every two years our church sponsors an adult mission trip. Destinations have included Haiti, Costa Rica, the Yucatan and the Mexican border. We have also made several trips with the Detroit Presbytery to help with domestic natural disaster cleanup and recovery.
A Covenant with Higuito Iglesias-Jesus el el Camino ( Higuito Church – Jesus is the Way) has been signed and celebrated. This is a sister church in Higuito, Costa Rica.
Food Distributions
Multiple times throughout the year, we partner with the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to distribute food to neighbors in need. In the past year alone, we were able to distribute over 12 tons of food to Port Huron residents in need.
Local Outreaches
Neighborhood BBQs, National Night Out events, Vacation Bible School, and other outreaches with partnering neighborhood congregations, all put the Gospel of Jesus Christ into action. Be on the lookout for upcoming events in which you can show the love and justice of Jesus to the world.
Mission Causes
We contribute over fifty percent of our benevolence budget to Presbyterian Causes, both local and world-wide. Other causes include Habitat for Humanity, the Mid-City Nutrition Program, Bridge Builders, The Theological Education Fund, Haiti W.I.S.H., The Gideons, The Community Food Depot, an annual mission trip for our youth, Blue Water Area Rescue Mission, The Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, and many other worthy causes that provide for the shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship of the children of God.